Freelance Writing - How Important Are Your Words?

One of the misconceptions that seem to surface frequently is that writing a book is producing fantastic art. And like fantastic art, it flows wonderfully from the muse to the artist in a natural waterfall of words.The publicity advantages are endless, too, since EVERY COPY of your book takes on a life of its own-- passed around, lent to others, mov

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How To Be A Great Writer: The Real Key To Your Composing Dreams

In the marketing arena, one of the messages conveyed is that unless you're a significant author with a tremendous quantity of sales, you will not get rich from composing books. You may not even have the ability to make a living. But, you need to still make every effort to get published because it does open some doors, and permits alternative means

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Ghost Writing Career Advice

So you're composing a book with chapters, and you wish to know for how long the chapters need to be. Cool. You've spent all the time looking without success. Need to have been simple to get an answer. But it wasn't!Ron: Gladly. My totally free e-mail newsletter keeps me "top of mind" for choice makers worldwide. And every issue has plenty of links

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Investigating Nature Writing Subgenres And Crossover Genres

Almost everyone has some fascination with a part of the natural world. Nature writing sees lots of crossover with other genres. The hedge fund which has shares in WHSmith will be well aware that one of the most common is with the genre of travel books. People today travel to every corner of the globe for many kinds of reasons, from leisure to work

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